Black Granite is one of the most popular choices for worktops, mainly due to its rich, natural sheen, overall stunning appearance and durability. Set against wood or light units within a kitchen, or even in the reception of a business, black Granite creates a stylish, warm and timeless, classic look.
Black Granite is a natural stone, which comes in a variety of natural finishes, from pure black Zimbabwean Granite through black Granite with inlaid pebbles, or varying flecks of other colours to sparkling stones, such as the Star Galaxy or Stargate Cosmos varieties, which are quarried in India and South Africa respectively.
Because Granite is a naturally-occurring stone, each slab is slightly different, making each worktop totally unique. Granite worktops require comparatively little maintenance, although they will need to be resealed from time to time to maintain their sheen. Cleaners containing ammonia should be avoided, as they will dull the finish, and although Granite is extremely moisture resistant, spills should be removed quickly to avoid permanent stains.
Although Granite is one of the most durable, hardwearing materials for worktops, it is advisable to support edges, as continued heavy use may eventually cause unsupported edges to chip or crack. Call us now on 0208 216 2051 or contact us here.