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SKU: 75c437e7df5b Category: Tag:

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SKU: 75c437e7df5b Category: Tag:

DISCONTINUED – Please call for alternative Quartz
Caramel CaesarStone quartz surfaces are the ultimate combination of nature and technology. Non-porous, scratch resistant and highly resistant to stains, Caramel CaesarStone retains its beauty without sealants or waxes and is almost maintenance-free. Ideal for any interior space, Caramel CaesarStone stone surfaces have four times the flexural strength and double the impact resistance of granite while impressively outperforming marble.
CaesarStone is globally recognized for its simplified fabrication and installation processes that enable cost-effective solutions. Due to the material’s outstanding durability, Caramel CaesarStone can be installed in thinner forms to save weight, or in larger sections to reduce the amount of joints on a surface. This enables even further money-saving features that customers happily applaud.
Click here for more information on Caesarstone products.
Caramel caesarstone quartz looks brilliant for those looking for a white kitchen worktop.

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